


    如果安装后提示无法定位序数10086于动态链接库D2gfx.dll(要点5-10次确定).请再次启动d2x1.13C.exe,选择修复;或者点删除后再重装.如果还不行,请下载下面的RAR文件(覆盖老暗黑文件),桌面没有d2loader快捷的请手动加上快捷方式,再加上参数“ -direct -pdir 113map -locale chi -skiptobnet -w "

2.安装自动修正因玩家安装多个暗黑,InstallPath的注册表错误而导致大箱子可能出错而引起“Don't find image file StashBtns.dc6”错误。
4.安装自动增加1.13的新参数“ -nofixaspect”,避免宽屏玩家出现显示问题。

4.不想开黑客地图的,只需右键选桌面d2loader属性,将里面的-pdir 113map -locale chi 几个参数去掉。
5.安装大箱子PlugY后可能会引起各种游戏错误(比如进战网可能会提示you are killed...),你可以选择多装一个暗黑,可以把PlugY文件改名.

6.对于安装过大箱子和各种外挂的,以后如果遇到什么问题,可以试试清除老注册表文件,即在电脑左下角的“开始”- “运行”输入 Regedit 按回车键找到并打开HKey_Current_User键值,删除Software下Blizzard Entertainment下Diablo II,删除Diablo II右边所有可删除的键值。再找到Software下Battle.net下的Configuration,删除Configuration右边所有可删除的键值。





具体就是如果你在战网LADDER,杀掉5大BOSS后,他们会掉落4个物品。合成后会变成“赦免徽章”(这个东西是创造无限洗点用的,本人查看内部文件发现这4个物品只限ladder BN,所以在单机无法出!掉落率如下)
only on Hell difficulty::
Twisted Essence of Suffering (Andariel/Duriel, 1/11 chance to drop)
Charged Essense of Hatred (Mephisto, 1/13 chance to drop)
Burning Essence of Terror (Diablo, 1/13 chance to drop)
Festering Essence of Destruction (Baal, 1/13 chance to drop)

1.13C的升级内容基本跟之前测试版本的1.13B,1.13A比没多少差别。并没有增加任何的神符之语,也没有CD 或6BOSS之类的事件。

  Diablo II Version History
- Patch 1.13c
     A new Mystery has been revealed!
- Adventurers of Sanctuary are hereby warned once again, that a new challenge
  awaits you. Within Diablo's Bosses, spanning across the world from the
  ancient Monastery Catacombs to the Throne of Destruction, is where you'll
  find what you seek...

     Major Bugs主要修复内容
- Fixed an item dupe bug.
- Video improvements for Intel Mac machines with OS 10.5 or greater.
-支持mac os 更高版本
- Fixed an issue where some players could kill other players while in town
  ("TPPK").download from anhei3.net
-   城里杀人BUG修复
- Fixed an issue where some players could disconnect other players when
  they had too many active states.
-  修复玩家有太多未点属性点可导致他人断线
- Fixed two issues where players could stack auras in an unintended way.

     Minor Bugs 小修复内容
- Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to be killed
  before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check for Uber Baal).
- The game will no longer stop and then restart the game music after the
  window loses and then regains focus.download from anhei3.net
- Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in
  windowed mode when it lost focus.
- Fixed an issue where the game window wouldn't center properly when it
  was created.
- Fangskin should now properly drop loot in Hell difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where auras were not re-applied to your mercenary after
  it was resurrected.

- Fixed an issue where if you had two items which provided auras to
  a mercenary and you unequipped one, the aura from the remaining
  item never became active.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin class runeword 'Principle' wasn't
  having all of its stats applied properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Paladin's Charge ability would become locked
  out if Holy Shield faded while charging.
- Fixed an issue where the Barbarian's Leap ability could become locked
  out if they were hit when they started to leap.

     Specific changes/improvements  特别的改变  
- Respecialization is now possible! Completing the 'Den of Evil' quest
  will now additionally reward 1 free respec which can be saved. Players
  who have already completed this quest should receive 1 free respec in
  Hell difficulty.download from anhei3.net
- Increased the drop rate of high runes.
- Support for blit scaling in windowed mode. The game can now be
  maximized to the largest 4:3 resolution supported (hooray widescreen users).
- Some rare drop items now have an orange color. i.e. Runes and items
  required for Uber Tristam.
- Modified the gold bank limit to be a flat cap not bound by level.
- Removed the requirements to create a hardcore character.
- Greatly reduced the explosion damage dealt by Fire Enchanted monsters.
- Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal's summoned minions no longer give experience.
- Removed Oblivion Knight's Iron Maiden curse.download from anhei3.net
- Hellfire Torch Firestorm proc rate has been reduced to 5%.
- Users can now toggle the display of text over the Health and Mana
  globes by clicking on the bottom area of each orb.
- When creating a single player game, each difficulty button is now bound
  to a unique key: Normal 'R', Nightmare 'N', and Hell 'H'.
- The 'Enter Chat' Button in the battle.net waiting room is now
  bound to the 'Enter' key.
- Added the windows system buttons to the game window (MIN, MAX, CLOSE).
- Added new command line parameter '-nofixaspect' which allows users to
  not fix the aspect ratio to 4:3 when maximizing in windowed mode.
  This lets the game 'stretch' to fill your monitor.
- Added support for '-sndbkg' command line switch. This enables sound in background.
- Added support for '-nosound', '-window', and '-windowed' command line options.

     Revised Skill balance for Player Character classes人物技能的改变
-Immolation Arrow - Increased radius of Explosion effect by 33% and Immolation effect by 50%.
-牺牲之箭? 加大了33%的爆炸范围和50%的效果
-Immolation Arrow - Explosion effect damage increased by 20%.
-Immolation Arrow - Increased base duration by 33%.

- Dragon Claw - Synergy receives 4% additional damage per point of Claw Mastery.
- 龙爪 - 可以通过Claw Mastery爪精通来获得4%额外伤害,。
- Dragon Talon - The bonus to Attack Rating per point has been increased to 35.
-Dragon Talon - 每点对攻击等级的奖励已提高到35。
- Shadow Master - Increased resistance range per point from 5-80 to 5-90.
- Combo points awarded by combo moves now last 15 seconds, up from 9.
- 组合分获现最后15秒组合动作,从9。

-Whirlwind - Reduced initial mana cost by 50%.
-Masteries - Changed critical strike chance from 0-25 to 0-35.

-Blessed Hammer - No longer ignores resistances of undead and demons.

-Werebear - Damage bonus increased by 15% across all ranks.
-Werebear - Increased health by 25% and armor by 1% per point.
-Shockwave - Synergy from Maul adds 5% damage per point.

-Blood Golem - Removed negative shared life effect (player no longer loses life when golem takes damage).
-Corpse Explosion - Increased base damage dealt from 60% - 100% to 70% - 120% of corpses health.
-Poison Nova - Increased base damage by 15%.
-Firewall - Synergy receives 1% damage per point of Inferno and Blaze and 4% per point of Warmth.
-Blaze - Synergy receives 2% damage per point of Firewall and 4% per point of Warmth.
-Hydra - Increased base damage by 15% per rank.
-Hydra - Increased base speed of Hydra projectile.
-Hydra - Reduced cooldown by 25%.
-Lightning Mastery - Reduced overall effect by 15%.

- Patch 1.13b (Public Test Realm)
- Patch 1.13a (Public Test Realm)